Draft Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2002
18 January, 2002 at Black Rock Yacht Club, Melbourne, Australia
18 January, 2002 at Black Rock Yacht Club, Melbourne, Australia
Meeting started at 19:45 hrs and ended at 22:30 hrs
Minutes of the 2001 AGM at Kingston were approved with one correction.
Chairman's report
The Report from the Chairman this year will be very short. This is due to the fact that I have only been Chairman since the Kingston worlds 4 months ago.
Not much has happened so far, but we have decided make a new rule book and some new brochures.
Kingston Worlds was overall a very good worlds, the race committee was there BUT the sailing and weather was very good.
Such a shame not more people showed up, we had a very disappointing number of boats from Great Britain, USA and Holland.
In the coming months I will be contacting each of the National Contender Associations to Ideas how to get more people in the class, If the NA has some good Ideas the ICA might sponsor them.
Treasurer's report
Separate written report provided information that there is Eu 20,109 in the bank. An income statement was not included. Later in the meeting, David Davies asked that the ICA committee take an action item to prepare a income statement with annualized income and expenses and present it to the membership.
Technical Report
Alan stated it has been a busy year with the completion of the postal balloting for the measures approved at the 2000 Worlds at Medemblik. This was followed by a submission to the ISAF for their meeting in November. All of the rules changes previously approved by the ICA at the AGM in Medemblik and by the following postal ballot were approved by the ISAF.
Alan pointed out that our rules change process requires a 2/3 majority both at the AGM and following that, by a 2/3 majority of the votes cast by postal ballot.
President's report
Arthur stated that due to his short time in the job he had little to report except, smilingly, he had attempted to introduce adjustable checkstays.
Secretary's report
Gil reported that he has been gathering information about the size of the class, the growth of the class and the exchange of boat. His report is on the sale of plaques by the ISAF to boat builders, both amateur and professional licensed builders.
Numbers of New Boats being built and used boats resold.
ISAF have supplied the ICA with recent figures of numbers of plaques being bought and paid for by amateur and licensed builders. Presumably the vast majority of plaques issued are affixed to Contenders that are completed and sailed by the owner or sold to a buyer. We have been informed of the sale of boats that were listed on the 2nd Hand Contender Market web page. We started keeping statistics on used boat sales during the year 1999.
New boat sales figures Used boats
50 2001 39
18 2000 47
33 1999 19
20 1998 -
2247 boats have been issued plaques representing new boats since the inception of the Contender class in 1969. In the records from ISAF, there are no gaps in plaque numbers.
The secretary writes at least two required reports to ISAF. The first essentially is a report on the health of the class and its conformance to rules regarding International classes. Failure to report would possibly cause ISAF to delist the Contender as an International class.
The second report regards World Championships. The secretary and the organizers of the World event supply the information. Failure to report would result in the ISAF denying us the right to use the name "World Championship" in our promotional material.
Business Arising
Treasurer Kieckbusch presented a suggestion that instead of collecting dues per person each year, instead we charge a "Button" fee for each sail purchased. After discussion, the vote was 16 in favour, 19 against. Several people felt that this was unfair to certain Contender owners in various ways.
Chairman Søren talked about what we might do with the large bank account we presently have and stated that he will be talking to national associations looking for groups with good ideas needing some money to expand the class. The discussion was too free ranging for the secretary to record all the interesting ideas shouted out.
Brochures, the need for them etc were discussed. An interesting suggestion from the members suggested the alternative of CD ROMs instead of brochure. The membership generally agreed to the expenditure of monies by the ICA officers to develop and print a new brochure. The Secretary pleaded inadequate skills to execute such a task and asked for a project manager for such a project.
No one stepped forward as a volunteer at the meeting but shortly afterwards some interested parties have spoken to the secretary. This will proceed.
New rigs
Tim Hill led a discussion about the creation of a new rig having a much more modern appearance. The membership clearly wants the ICA officers to proceed with the expenditure of funds through interested and competent sailmakers who presently support the Contender class.
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