Draft Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2002
18 January, 2002 at Black Rock Yacht Club, Melbourne, Australia
18 January, 2002 at Black Rock Yacht Club, Melbourne, Australia
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Election of Officers
The following persons were re-elected to the following five offices. There were no nominees proposed in opposition to the incumbent officers.
President: Arthur Brett
Chairman: Søren Andreason
Technical Chairman: Alan Mollatt
Treasurer: Manfred Kieckbusch
Secretary: Gil Woolley
Upcoming Events
Worlds 2003: Great Britain, Plymouth, 3rd Week of August. Approved.
Worlds 2004: Italy, Lake Garda approved
Worlds 2005: Germany. Jan von der Bank presented information regarding three possible venues
1 Kiel, during Kieler Woche 3rd week of June. Sort of early and cold. Excellent sailing
18 Travemünde inexpensive camping, good social place
8 Wanemünde long waves, cheap accommodation
Despite the votes listed, a final decision was not made.
Worlds 2006: Western Australia in January at Freemantle at Freemantle Sailing Club
Large sailing club, parking for 500 to 600 cars
Ramps, rock groins provide wave protection whilst launching. Windy. Containers are stored right on the site. Club is 1.5 km from the shipping port. Sea is fair, unbiased
Full Bistro. Morning races. Cheap accommodation.
Europeans 2002: 13-18 July ; Søren described
Dinner Thursday. Camping close by, 5 to 15 minutes away. Possibly able to park in the harbour and sleep. 2 basketball courts
Championship rules
Chris Mitchell reported.
We have been sailing different procedures at our championships than the old rules provide for. They state for instance, that the chairman and the president may not sail the World Championship. Søren and Arthur
would probably resign if we held them to that rule.
- New championship rules permit 2 races per day
- Defines the championship committee
- Junior is less than 25, Master is over 50
After discussion, some problems were identified so a vote was deferred until the class is more ready to accept the provisions.
Proposals for Rules Changes
The Secretary received a number of rules change proposals during the regatta and typed up and posted the suggestions received. The sailors present had an opportunity to translate these proposals into their native tongue and to consider further improvements.
At the AGM, a total of 45 members signed the sign up sheet. In order to pass a rule change must have at least 2/3 of 45 votes or 30 votes or if some members leave the meeting, then we counted those in favour and those opposed. A thumbnail description of each proposal is presented here but there are also links to the exact wording of the old rule and the new proposed rule.
Proposal 1. Rule 17.4. Changes the maximum width of letters and numbers from 45 to 40 mm. All other dimensions in the present rule are unchanged.
This passed unanimously.
Proposal 2. Rule 13.8. This change would decrease the mast tip weigh from 3 kg to 2.5 kg. This particular rule change would be made as of January, 2004.
The measure passed with 25 in favour, 7 opposed.78% in favour.
Proposal 3.
This proposal was to permit builders and owners to install up to 10 kg of lead weight compared to the present limit of 6 kg. Builders such as Paul Walker and Chappi Harprecht spoke against the practicality of the idea.
The measure failed with 17 in favour, 14 opposed. 55% in favour.
In discussion of the proposal, frustration was expressed that boats that are deemed to be at the correct hull weight at one championship are found underweight at another. The ICA committee received an action item to do something about solving the problem such as purchasing calibrated scales.
The ICA committee received an action item from Tim Holden asking what will be done to prevent the construction of any more Contenders which require more than 6 kg in corrector lead weights. Tim discovered this discrepancy in the boat chartered to Chris Mitchell.
Proposal 4. Rule 16.2.
The rule presently requires that lead weights be evenly divided and installed on the fore and aft cockpit walls no more than 50 mm below the deck. The proposal permits the lead to be installed lower in the cockpit but still at the cockpit ends.
The measure passed with 30 votes. 66.67% in favour.
Proposal 5.
This would have lowered the hull weight below 83 kg but the officers elected to not discuss the measure or ask for a vote as the mood seemed to be opposed to such.
Proposal 6a.
This measure replaced a proposal 6. The goal was to find an acceptable way to include the centreboard weight in the hull weight measurement at a major championship. The discussion indicated that the members do not feel this is a goal worth pursuing.
The measure failed.
Proposal 7. Rule 2.3
This measure legitimizes the existing practice of permitting amateur builders to build not only timber boats but also from a kit where the glasfibre hull has been built by a licensed builder.
This measure passed with 30 votes. 66.67% in favour.
Proposal 8. Rule 15.1
This measure permits materials other than aluminium in the construction of booms. This was rejected previously at the AGM at Medemblik in 2000.
This time the measure passed with 25 votes in favour, 6 opposed. 80.1% in favour.
Proposal 9. Rule 13.1.
When the recent change was made to rule 13.1 permitting materials other than aluminium to be used in the construction of masts, the words "inherently straight" were inadvertently omitted from the new rule wording. The measure is to put those words back into the rule.
The measure passed with 29 in favour, none opposed.
Submitted by Gil Woolley, Secretary
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