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homepagemedemblikmarch.jpgThe International Contender is the most popular single-handed trapeze sailing dinghy with 2,500 boats across the globe with fleets in Europe, Australasia, and North America. The class has ISAF International status, with World Championships routinely attracting turnouts of over 100 boats at some of the best sailing locations in the world.

The Contender was originally designed back in 1967 by the Australian Ben Lexcen as a potential successor to the Olympic Finn Class. contenderlines.jpgThe boat won the 1968 Olympic selection trials, but for a variety of reasons was never adopted as an Olympic class. This was probably something of a blessing, as the class has thrived ever since. The longevity of the class is a testament to the original design: simple, practical, with classic good looks.  Read more about its history!

The boat has proven to be suitable for a wide variety of successful sailors , both male and female. The weight of sailors range from 55kg to 95kg (120lbs to 210lbs) and heights from 165cm to 200cm (5ft 4 to 6ft 4).

homepagesoren.jpgThe Contender has strong local class associations across the globe that each build fully comprehensive racing programmes and organise training at various levels for sailors from beginner to expert. More information can be found on the various national sites for the class.

Boat builders can be found all over the world.  You will find second hand boat lists available on the ICA website and on the national websites.

a-start-001.jpgThe International Contender circuit will take sailors this year to Weymouth, UK at the 2012 Olympic venue for the World Championships followed by Florida, USA in 2011.

To find out more about the International Contender class contact your national regional representative, and have a browse through our website!

There has never been a better time

to jump into a Contender!