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AGM Minutes 2003

Draft Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2003
21 August, 2003 at Mayflower Sailing Club, Plymouth, Great Britain

The meeting was opened late due to tardy secretary. Very sorry.
Minutes of the 2002 AGM at Melbourne were approved.

Chairman's report

Søren Andreasen reported on the Posters. They are printed in Dutch, Italian, German and English. He added that the actual date of the Worlds in Perth, Australia is 2006, not 2005 as shown in the poster.

Treasurer's report

Manfred Kieckbusch was not present, no report was provided. Manfred stated his intent by letter to step down as treasurer.

Technical Report

Mol Mollatt reported on the weighing problem. Specifically, boats which measure down to weight at one regatta and then up or down from the minimum at the next regatta. Mol intends to maintain control of a steel yard scale which will be used at all Worlds events. The belief is that it will be more consistent than electronic scales procured for each event from different sources.

He also reported on the requirement imposed late in the game after we had held an AGM vote and followed by the postal ballot that International Sailing Federation (ISAF) object to the words “inherently straight” and require us to change to a specification or tolerance to define a straight spar.

President's report

Arthur Brett was not present. He announced that he wishes to step down as President.

Secretary's report

Gil Woolley reported that c
urrently there are 350 members of yahoo-groups with a small number of persons known to have more than one email address.

New boat sales figures
   Used boats
26    2002                            37
50    2001                            39
18    2000                            47
33    1999                            19
25    1998                            -

2300 boats have been issued plaques representing new boats since the inception of the Contender class in 1969. The secretary makes a SWAG (sophisticated wild guess) that there are 600 to 900 Contenders currently actively sailed.

The ISAF requires all International classes to individually report twice during the year. The secretary described the data required in these reports and requested cooperation from the officers of the National Contender Associations. On 1 February a report is submitted which appears on the ISAF web pages.

On 1 August a report is submitted listing important details about the following year’s World Championship. Failure to submit this report may result in the inability to designate the Worlds as an official event.

The secretary also reported the maintenance of the International Contender web pages. During the year pages have been created to describe major repair projects rebuilding older Contenders. These are grouped under helpful information as “This Old Boat”.

Election of Officers

As President Arthur Brett and Treasurer Manfred had declared their intention to step down, nominations were heard for President and Treasurer. The Chairman, the Technical Chairman and the Secretary declared desire to continue in their present posts.

The following persons were elected to the following five offices.

President: Tim Holden GBR
Chairman: Søren Andreason DEN
Technical Chairman: Mol Mollatt GBR
Treasurer: Christoph Homeier GER
Secretary: Gil Woolley USA

Upcoming Events

Italian Nationals:
2004 27-30 July
Measurement 31 July,  Racing 2-6 August.  Hotel Riva special price, 50 rooms
Worlds 2005
in Germany at Travemünde, end of July.  Features on site camping, measurement in a large shed, German nationals less than 100 km away
Worlds 2006
Freemantle Perth, Western Australia, middle of January, have Christmas and New Years
at home.  Sec notes say "Fly Aus Practice Islands protect"
Worlds 2007
Medemblik, Holland
Worlds 2008
Kingston, Canada

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AGM Minutes 2004

Draft Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2004
4 August, 2004 at Fraglia della Vela di Riva del Garda, Italia

Many thanks to Tim Holden who was recording.
Apologies for non attendance: One received from Gil Woolley due to being detained by local Police
Minutes from last meeting were read out. Proposed as accurate and unanimous vote to accept passed.

Chairman's report

Treasurer's report

No report was provided by the treasurer. This led to vocal challenge as to why, and no real reason could be found to placate the members. Christoph explained his problems of extracting information from his predecessor, and it seems the account was under the control of the German Association, rather than with ICA officers. This MUST be changed, and Christoph needs to approach the bank for new signing mandates so that ICA officers are able to deal with the account.

The president and the chairman explained that a successful meeting had been held with the Italian association and an agreement has been reached for a final payment to bring their account up to date. See below (Other Business) re future expenditure.

Technical Report

Download Alan Mollat's report in Word format doc technical_report2004.html 6.36 Kb

A number of rule changes were proposed

  • To adopt ISAF E.R.S (2005-2008) - unanimously accepted by show of hands
  • Rule 17.2 bringing sail measurement in line with ERS - agreed
  • Rule 17.6 re headboard dimensions - agreed
  • Rule 17.8 re aft head point - agreed
  • Rule 13.1 re 2 part masts. The proposal was to limit the joint area, but discussion led to a changed proposal to simply delete the fact that sections had to be permanently fixed together ie allowingthe joint to be anywhere on the mast, and to be removable to ease transport. Discussion included the fact that at a regatta or championship only one top and one bottom section was allowed, andno pivoting was to be allowed, in accordance with existing rules. Alan will redraft thisamendment. It was full y accepted by those voting.
  • Rule 13.1 part two re allowing 50mm flex in mast. In vote one member was against, rest for.

Other technical issues were discussed under this report, and two proposals were made.

  • Andrea Bonezzi proposed to allow epoxy resins to be used in the manufacture of GRP boats alongside existing polyester resins. Much discussion, with boat builders warning of increased costs(approx £800 per boat) and incompatibility between compounds leading to delamination.Vote 27 for and 18 against so proposal defeated
  • An Australian proposal to allow amateur builders to build in GRP, as an extension to theexisting limitation of only wood or composite completion of GRP hulls. In the vote it was fully supported, with the proviso of the existing limitation of only one boat per year for own use.

President's report

Tim Holden declined to present a President’s report as he has stepped down as President in order to take on the office of Treasurer.

Secretary's report

Gil reported that he has been tasked with identifying and listing all of the perpetual trophies which are to be awarded at any World Championship and also the recipient of each trophy at each World Championship.
Albrecht Dellius announced that the GCA has created a new Women’s trophy to be awarded to the top woman sailor at the Worlds.

Currently there are 386 members of yahoo-groups compared with 350 members in 2003.

New boat sales figures   Used boats
16    2003                            27
26    2002                            37
50    2001                            39
18    2000                            47
33    1999                            19
25    1998                            -

2300 boats have been issued plaques representing new boats since the inception of the Contender class in 1969. The secretary makes a SWAG (sophisticated wild_a guess) that there are 600 to 900 Contenders currently actively sailed.

The ISAF requires all International classes to individually report twice during the year.
On 1 February a report is submitted which appears on the ISAF web pages. A comparison of data for the International Contender and arbitrarily selected other International classes.

Class new boats 2003 new 5 years Active Built Starting
Contender 16 140 1600-1900 2286 1969
505 24 127 2500 8840 1954
Fireball 23 - - - -
Moth 10-15 50-60 - ~1000s -
OK Dinghy 13 ~100 - ~1000 -
Intl 14 20 ~180 ~500 - -
Olympic Classes
Finn 121 587 - - -
Europe 200 ~1200 5000 20000 -
Laser 2455 12426 - 179600 -
Radial 2455 12426 < - 179600 -
4.7 2455 12426 - 179600 -


  • None now in North America and Australia - an issue limiting potential in those continents. Dinghy Sports has given up their licence (by not paying required fee to (ISAF).


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                                                  (Business Arising, Election of Officers, Upcoming Events, Rules)

AGM Minutes 2005

Draft Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2005
15 July, 2005 at Travemünde, Germany

The meeting started at 1900 hrs
The AGM was chaired by ICA Chairman Søren Andreasen. He welcomed the attending members and thanked the German Contender Association for organising a good championship with 117 entries.
The Minutes of Annual General Meeting at Riva del Garda, Italia were approved as posted.

Chairman's report

Søren Andreasen initiated a discussion about a new brochure. 24 in favour, 18 opposed.
Request to add the secretaries of the various nations to the brochure.

Treasurer's report

Tim Holden reported:
There is a balance of Euro 21,099. Payments to the ICA by various nations have been poor over the last three years. Countries which are current in their payments are:

  • Italy
  • Great Britain
  • USA

Countries which have not made payments for the years 2003, 2004, 2005 include

  • Australia
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • France
  • New Zealand

Expenses in the last year include 1500 Euro for the 2004 Worlds Video and the boom stickers. ICA contribution of 50% of the entry fees for the Worlds to three junior competitors.

Technical Report

Alan Mollatt reported:
a Report on the worldwide postal ballot. All measures passed. Details may be reviewed at ___
b: Reported that the ICA have loaned AUS$10.000 to the Australian Contender Association to create a new mould for building glassfibre boats in Australia. The loan will be repaid by including the amount of AUS$500 in the price of each boat sold. The sale of 20 boats is sufficient to repay the loan.
c: Thanks to measurer Ron Duffield for the rapid and comprehensive measurement process which he led and directed at Travemünde. Far better than last year.
d: John Bagh of Denmark recommended that the class amend its Championship Rules to require that each Contender carry a towline specified to be 8mm diameter, 15 metres long, floating. The vote was overwhelmingly in favour.
e: Nick Grace of Great Britain spoke on behalf of the British Contender Association. He said that the primary builder in Great Britain, recommends that the class change its rules to permit epoxy to be used with glassfibre in addition to the presently permitted polyester and vinylester resins. Andrea Bonezzi of Italia spoke in favour also.  Joachim Harpprecht of Germany spoke against this. This is what he said:

  • If Epoxy is better, this would make existing boats obsolete.
  • For me it is not a good argument if a single builder who has never built a Contender wants a rule change that may influence all the existing builders. Why can he not read the rules and build a boat according to the rules as the aussies do?
  • As a builder I am concerned of warranty problems that may arise with osmosis between a polyester gelcoat and an epoxy laminate. To avoid this boats have to be spray painted this costs another 1000 Euros and will make the Contender more expensive and thus less attractive.
  • Let us have a sportive, affordable Contender and not just sit like Buddah in superhightech boats and drift along the reaches without pumping!

Chris Sutherland (Australia) spoke against this saying that it would make existing and new boats built of the present resins obsolete. The vote was 10 in favour, an overwhelming number were opposed. The measure did not pass.
f. Andrea Bonezzi of Italia spoke in favour of changing the class rules to include the
weight of the centreboard support (stirrups) in the weight of the hull. After some discussion, it was decided not to vote on this but defer to a future meeting.

President's report

Tim Holden declined to present a President’s report as he has stepped down as President in order to take on the office of Treasurer.

Secretary's report

Gil reported that he has been tasked with identifying and listing all of the perpetual trophies which are to be awarded at any World Championship and also the recipient of each trophy at each World Championship.
Albrecht Dellius announced that the GCA has created a new Women’s trophy to be awarded to the top woman sailor at the Worlds.

The 2005 Minutes were approved.
Currently there are 559 members of yahoo-groups compared with 386 members in 2004.

New boat sales figures   Used boats
28    2004                            7 (fewer advertisements on the Internet)
16    2003                            27
26    2002                            37
50    2001                            39
18    2000                            47
33    1999                            19
25    1998                            -

2317 boats have been issued plaques representing new boats since the inception of the Contender class in 1969.

Builders new in 2004/2005

  • None now in North America, an issue limiting potential
  • Australia - Two new builders 'New Challenges' in Perth, "Dinghy Sports" in Sydney (reapplied)
  • Italy - Two new builders "Nautica Piccola" and "ZZtopBoats"
  • Great Britain - "Specialized marine" (marketed by Bob Hoare Boats)
  • France - Boatique Diffusion

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                                                  (Business Arising, Election of Officers, Upcoming Events, Communication)

AGM Minutes 2006

Draft Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2006
6 January, 2006 at Fremantle, Australia

Meeting started at 1845 hrs and ended at 2046 hrs
The 2005 Minutes were approved.

Chairman's report

Søren Andreasen reports:

  • Commitment Dutch Sailor
  • Ready for Austrian Europeans
  • Rule book
  • Stickers: 500 went
  • ordered 1000 in Italy, 2 per member
  • Advertising: Richard Buttner
  • Canadian Inquiry -money club dinghy?
  • 100% growth Denmark - bought 5 in U.K.
  • US$500
  • Destroyed moulds from Rondar obsolete, considered unmarketable
  • DVD 1500 Euro,  Ian Mollatt may help find unlicensed music. Each paid up person should get a copy
  • Photographer - Pictures here (Fremantle)
  • Reproduce Garda Video

Treasurer's report

Tim Holden reported:
Assets:   Euro 14977   Sterling £422
Australia AUS$9500 for moulds
Den, USA, UK, Italy owe to ?, Ger owes 3 years fee, Austria, Serbia Montenegro

Technical Report

  • ISAF agreed change rule changes - not posted
  • 2 new builders
  • New Challenges Perth, Australia
  • Dinghy Sports
  • U.K. 1 proto
  • Italy. 3 builders
  • Jan new point system request ISAF
  • Championship--Championship & regatta

President's report

Apologies Manfred Kieckbusch

Secretary's report

Currently there are 664 members of yahoo-groups compared with 559 members in 2005 and 386 members in 2004. Note, we count email addresses. There are certainly duplicate and/or abandoned email addresses.

New boat sales figures   Used boats
43    2005                            9
28    2004                            7 (fewer advertisements on the Internet)
16    2003                            27
26    2002                            37
50    2001                            39
18    2000                            47
33    1999                            19
25    1998                            -

2317 boats have been issued plaques representing new boats since the inception of the Contender class in 1969. (Through the end of 2005)

Builders new in 2005/2006:

  • None now in North America, an issue limiting potential

Business Arising

  • Annual fees. no comment
  • ISAF rules changes
  • Digitize plans
  • Measurement Form. Available
  • Sail changes adv require further measurement form changes.
  • John Cassidy
  • Rodger White: Sail form to Graham Scott, North and other sail makers

Election of Officers

Tim Holden - willing
Technical Chairman: Mol Mollatt - willing
Secretary: Gil Woolley - willing
Chairman: Søren - willing
President: Manfred Kieckbusch - willing
All reelected

Upcoming Events

Worlds 2007:
Medemblik July 13-20, Nationals at Workum prior
100+ Competitors.  Committee to decide fleet split? - up to 120 no split.

Kingston, Ontario, Canada - Last week August 2008. CORK

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Rules changes

  • Cheating, ISAF rule change must sail the last race.
    Will wait until unanimous.
  • Rule change: Allow wire, fax email
    sail #
    vote to remove “postal” - all in favour. Unanimous.

Submitted by Gil Woolley, Secretary dated 24 June 2006

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AGM Minutes 2007

Draft Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2007
18 July, 2007 at Medemblik, Netherlands

Meeting started at 1845 hrs and ended at 2046 hrs
The meeting was opened by chairman Søren Andreasen.
Apologies from: President Jan von der Bank and Treasurer Tim Holden
The draft minutes of the 2007 AGM were approved as posted.

Chairman's report

Søren Andreasen reported that the Contender world is going well.  There is a shortage of good used boats. With a smile, he implored all sailors attending to sell their present boats and buy new ones. He said that we need to have the various nations pay their dues on time. Member discussion followed regarding the identity of the nations which have not paid and some proposals for penalizing helmsmen at the Worlds who come from non-paying nations.

Treasurer's report

Tim Holden handed out many copies of the treasurer's report:

Tim described some nations have supported boat shows within their country without obtaining agreement from the ICA and then have tried to subtract the amounts from the dues to be paid to the ICA.  The officers want any projects that would involve ICA funds to be proposed and approved in advance of the commitment of expenditure. Spending the money first and asking permission later is not good management.

Technical Report

Alan Mollatt reported that the ICA had approved sending Finnish sailor Martin Söderström as our representative to the ISAF meeting in May at Helsinki (where Martin lives). We have received positive feedback from ISAF representatives and Martin also thought it was well worthwhile.

David Chivers . . . Mol, what did you say?

President's report

Secretary's report

Minutes of the 2006 AGM at Fremantle, Australia were posted prior to this meeting. The vote was taken to approve the minutes.

Currently there are 513 members of yahoo-groups compared with 664 in 2006, 559 members in 2005 and 386 members in 2004. Note, we count email addresses. There are certainly duplicate and/or abandoned email addresses in the count.

New boat sales figures
35    2006
43    2005
28    2004
16    2003
26    2002
50    2001
18    2000
33    1999
25    1998

2395 boats have been issued plaques representing new boats since the inception of the Contender class in 1969. (Through the end of 2006)

Builders new in 2006/2007:

  • Windrush in Western Australia
  • Karsten Kraus in Germany
  • Gosling Sailcraft in U.K.
  • None now in North America, an issue limiting potential

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                                                  (Election of Officers, Upcoming Events, Proposals for Rules Changes)

Island hopping

The following year the fleet chose another exotic island location for their championships. Sardinia is famous for hosting the glamorous Swan Gold Cup; however the glitzy lifestyle of the Costa Smerelda didn’t extend as far as the noisy and stony campsite where most of the fleet were based.

Some turned to an excess of alcohol as an aid to sleeping (or so they said) to the point that Keith Paul, who is surely old enough to know better, took a tumble and broke a rib or two. 

Only the British Contender Fleet would think of using a sheep lorry to transport their boats to a major event

Stuart Jones, Graham Scott and Andrea Bonezzi on the podium in Sardinia. They may have been successful in the week, but could not match
the eyes of the ladies in reception!

There was consolation however in the young ladies who ran the Regatta Office, the surge in testosterone clearly fired up a number of sailors.

Nigel Walbank capped back to back wins with an OCS, the ever present Andrea Bonezzi was never far from the top of the leader board, but in the end it came down to another pair of ex-champions to slug it out as Graham Scott and Stuart Jones contested the final day.

In the end it was Jones who prevailed to take his second win, once again to a chorus of bleating noises from the UK fleet… hardly a surprise there as most of the boats had arrived on the Island in the rear of a sheep lorry!

New kid on the block, the RS 600

Away from Stuart and his interest in Ovis Aries, the news was of the new kid on the block, the RS 600. Whatever the attractions of this new boat, nothing could match the Contender scene as the fleet headed off to Austria and the spectacular location of Attersee. Against a fleet rich in past Champions, Graham Scott showed he was as good on the helm as he was on the harmonica as he too added a World Championship win to his record.

One record that was not so well publicised was that of Jan von der Bank as he won the rapidly degenerating late night entertainment with a high speed striptease! One cannot be too careful with these things – with the fleet heading off to Roton Point in America, such behaviour might have been frowned upon. It didn’t stop Keith Paul’s boat appearing, full rigged, in the hotel lobby, nor John Browett's boat, minus its stern hatch, taking a dip in the pool.

3pj.jpgIan Renilson, flanked by Neil Wilson and Jason Bebee.
Ian is about to no particular order...lock his keys in his car, try and drive away without first hitching the boat on, and jam a contact lens in his eye (thus putting himself into the hands of Nigel Walbank, a scary thought!)
ian_rennilson_.jpg Like Stuart Jones, Ian Renilson is very much a ‘thinking’ sailor.
With Neil Wilson and Jason Beebe, the three sailors from Scotland trained hard together, a factor that played strongly in Renilson’s superb form.
Graham Scott avoided the worst of the on shore events to retain his title with the other two past Champions on display, Stuart Jones and Andrea Bonezzi, taking the other top place.  

With Hayling Island being rebuilt, the next best thing (many would say better…full stop) was Weymouth. A big fleet and difficult conditions saw one of the class ‘thinkers’, Ian Renilson, take a well deserved win from Neil Wilson and Jason Beebe.

Another year, another island

- this time Sicily! The event looked like being another Brit benefit, until, on the last day, Andrea Bonezzi came from behind to take the title, watched by his friends and family.

After a Europeans at Bastad in Sweden (it’s not the word, but how you say it that counts), won by Graham Scott, it was time for another trip to Australia.

With the boats all now sporting the new wonder material, Pro-Grip (how did we manage before??) Chris Burrough again looked the man to beat until Barry Watson, making a one off return to the class in a borrowed boat, snuck through to win yet another title.

Chris Burrough, one of the fastest sailors
never to win the top prize!

Stuart Jones at his best (i.e., not a sheep in sight, nor has he been sick
in the back of his car!) showing top class control at Garda.

With so many new boats around, the Contender fleet tried once more for Olympic glory, yet despite the best efforts of Torkel Lindhal and Frank Havik, the Finn retained the single handed slot and the chance for the Contender to experience greater glories had passed.

No matter, there was still a World Championship to win and with the venue a class favourite, Medemblik, a 100+ boat fleet was assured.

It went to the wire in the last race as Nigel Walbank and Andrea Bonezzi slugged it out in a tacking duel. Whilst they were otherwise engaged, Stuart Jones sneaked through to grab his first Championship win.

21 today!

Steve Daniels, showing the poise and form
that brought him two world titles.
But still no key to the Olympic door for the Contender!

The third decade of the Contender started with the fleet back in Europe (just) as they travelled north to the Swedish town of Hamburgsund. The usual suspects were there, Barry Watson, Keith Paul, Schappi Harpprecht, but so too were the forerunners of a new breed of Contender sailor. Conditions that week varied from rough to ‘interesting’, a term that failed to do justice to some of the jury decisions about what constituted pumping. Watson, looking for revenge after Santa Cruz, found what he described as the “biggest ****ing hole in the history of sailing”. No such problems for Jon Webb, who sailed a consistent series to take the title ahead of Frank Suchanek.

Watson took solace by winning the next Europeans, then it was a case of ‘off to Brisbane’. In very windy and testing conditions that should have favoured the fearless Australian sailors, it was another Brit, Steve Daniels, that blew them away on their home turf. Steve retained his title when the fleet went to Travemünde; other hopefuls John Browett, Steve Grimes and Nigel Walbank failed to pull together good results across the series.

At about this time, the old chestnut of Olympic status became a hot topic once more. Despite the obvious charms of the Contender and some excellent lobbying by the class, the entrenched Finn clung on to its position.

The whole sailing scene was changing though as skiffs started to appear in many shapes and sizes, including a number of single handed versions. Suddenly and through no fault of its own, the Contender was no longer the hottest trapeze harness in town.

1990… and with a zero at the end of the number, it had to be Hayling Island.  Steve Daniel was the next sailor to aim to ‘do the Pitman’ and go for three titles in a row. A rapidly improving Andrea Bonezzi could also have won, but got a horror story redress judgement after another boat damaged his rig. Chris Burrough joined John Browett as the fastest sailors NOT to win the Championships, which instead went to John Hardman.

It was Stuart Jones who was best known for his liking for lamb; John Hardman preferred his prey to get their own drinks. Well, if you’ve just won the World Championship, what is a man to do?
(Photo courtesy of Jim and Dee Mackonochie)

California Dreaming

“Say, okay man, this is California dude, chill.”
Gil Woolley demonstrates the IYRU approved bong pipe!
This second phase of the Contender history ended with the Class back in the US, at Santa Cruz YC (home of Gil Woolley).
Watson was there to get that all important third win in a row, but a poor event by his standards coincided with local Mark Starratt putting together an excellent series to become the first – and only American to take the title. Sadly, Mark’s undoubted skills were soon lost to the fleet as he was to die at an early age, leaving the third era of Contendering seeking yet another new Champion.

The magical 3 figure mark

By now the fleets at the top events were reaching that magical three figure mark, a milestone that was passed when 114 competitors turned up for the Garda Worlds. This time it was Australian Barry Watson who would be the man to beat, ahead of Keith Paul who was busy showing that he could still handle the breezy conditions in his old age! Third place went to the leading German boat, as Joachim Rosler confirmed his status as a front runner in the fleet.
“Come up and see my hi-fi”!  At the end of the week, the weather at Struer improved enough to let Keith Paul sneak into third place – and the prize of a Bang & Olufsen hi-fi system.
Liz Andrews, who sailed well in conditions that many found really difficult, has just said “but you’re old enough to be my father!”
(Photo courtesy of Jim and Dee Mackonochie)

After the warmth and sunshine of Garda, Struer, the Class’s first visit to Danish waters for a Worlds, was wet, windy, windier, wetter, windier still and then it rained even harder. The campsites flooded; sailors were forced into trying to ‘pull’ girls so as to get a dry and warm bed (their intentions were of course completely honourable), yet none of this seemed to bother Watson, who dominated the first 6 races. Tony Smith was the best of the rest, with Keith Paul third. Spare a thought for poor Greg Lamb, who wiped out at high speed and broke his leg. It really was that sort of week!  


For 1981, yet another new venue beckoned, Toronto. This time the front of the fleet was dominated by a battle between Newlands and Smith, that was finally decided in favour of Newlands, as he ‘did a Pitman’ in taking three consecutive titles. After so much globe trotting, the Contenders then returned to more familiar territory, with Medemblik hosting the next Championships. At long last, ten years after joining the fleet, Tony Smith finally won the Worlds, a resulted that also confirmed the Smith hull and rig package as the best replacement for the existing Rondar / Banks set up.

After giving the impression for a year or two that the sailors in the fleet had finally grown up, the Medemblik dinner undid all their good work; candles were turned into javelins, whilst the one handed sailor Mike Hartley was ambushed by a barrage of airborne whipped cream!

Sneaky Keith Paul wriggled his way onto the final podium place to prove that when the conditions were trying, he was still a difficult sailor to beat.

"I only wanted to win a new pair of jeans”
– Tony Smith makes it to the top of the podium at Medemblik, flanked by Peter Newlands and Keith Paul.
(Photo courtesy of Jim and Dee Mackonochie)

The Contender fleet then faced a major dilemma about going to South Africa for the next Championships. The moral right won the day and a hastily convened event was well hosted out in Australia, an event that Smith made clearly his own by winning the first 6 races. Meanwhile, more bad behaviour, this time out afloat at the San Alpidio Europeans. It started when a visiting Pitman led the ‘we want a blast’ brigade out for a sail, after the Race Officer had thought it too windy and so had gone for lunch!  When the wind finally eased, it was crafty Keith again who used his big event experience to win through to take his first Contender Championships.

Antipodean heaven

With the Contender now very much an established international class, many of the names and personalities who had been so much a part of the scene in the early years, now moved aside.

For a while Pitman’s place looked as if it would be taken by the new ‘young gun’ Geoff Whitfield, but the second decade would belong to the very fast and committed sailors from New Zealand and Australia. Tony Smith may have won the 1978 Garda Europeans, but when the fleet made their one and only trip to the ‘Land of the long white cloud’, for the Takapuna Worlds at Auckland, it was local Pete Newlands who best survived the conditions experienced in the tail of Tropical Cyclone ‘Henry’, to win a hard fought series.  


Peter Newlands put in many months of hard preparation, for the first Contender World Championship to be held in his homeland in New Zealand.
(Photo courtesy of Sea Spray Magazine)
One of the best heavy weather sailors the class has ever seen, Geoff Whitfield winning the Junior World Title at Takapuna Bay, Auckland.
(Photo courtesy of Sea Spray Magazine)
Then it was back to Hayling Island and that rarity in Championship racing, a dead heat, as Newlands held on to his title, albeit shared with Whitfield.

For those who couldn’t make the journey out to NZ, there were always the Europeans at Silverplana in Switzerland. Such a beautiful location with great breezes but capsize at your peril, the water was freezing. To add to the discomfort of the fleet, one night it snowed…in August! Whitfield raced away to his first full title, whilst behind him Schappi Harpprecht and Ray Collins battled it out for the runners up spot, with Collins just winning it on the last day!

Competitive high spirits



The Europeans at Hayling were won by one of the sailors from the early days of the class, Joachim Harpprecht, who beat a newcomer to the class, Keith Paul, in one of the few weeks of light airs. Then, in 1978, to end the decade, the class headed off to the sun at Lake Garda, an event that became famous for the emergence of Tony Smith as the new man to beat at the front of the fleet.

Geoff Whitfield leading David Pitman, as they race out towards the top mark at Lake Garda in the 1978 Europeans. The pressures of being front runners at this regatta kept them out of the high spirited behaviour ashore.

Garda also went down in history, as the location of some of the highest spirited behaviour the class had seen. The sight of the 'British Contender Team’ Transit van, parked in the town centre flower beds was ample testimony to the fun that could be had in the class.

Yet, as the Contenders moved into their second decade, some of the relaxed atmosphere would be lost, as the Contender matured into a top international dinghy, albeit one that was still being denied its place in the Olympic Regatta scene.

Feared throughout dinghy parks across Europe, not
to mention the odd ornamental flower bed or two
(and a post box), the social hub of the fleet
revolved around the British Team van.

First world championships


  An action (?) shot from the first World Championships at Hayling Island in 1970.
The boat on the left is K1, the original ‘Contention’!

In 1970, the first World Championships were held at Hayling Island, an event won by ‘wild man’ Dick Jobbins.

Dick was destined not to stay on in the class and for the next few years, it was the Australian sailor, Peter Hollis, who was the man to beat on the International circuit.

The UK though had a secret weapon in the form of the an aggressively physical sailor, who would answer to the name of David Pitman – before going afloat and doing a total horizon job on the whole fleet.

The Class Constitution called for the World Championships to rotate between the North and South Hemispheres, plus, where possible, events in the Americas. When the Worlds went south for the first time, Pitman beat Hollis on his home water to take the World Championship title for the first time. With the Worlds being held out of Europe, the first European Championship was held, with Kiel, up on the Baltic as the chosen location.

As the first ten years of the class drew to a close, the UK was very much the place to be, with many of the top New Zealand and Australian sailors basing themselves at Weston Sailing Club, to sharpen up their skills on the excellent competition there. The sailors and their boats were now becoming far more proficient at racing in breeze, which was just as well, as the summers of 1976 and 1977 were very hot and sunny…but breezy.

The class is launched

To help the Contender along, through the difficult early days, a Launch Committee was formed from the ‘movers and shakers’ of the day to see the Contender through the process of getting builders and National Associations formed.

In this task they were soon to be joined by an irrepressible bundle of perpetual motion that went under the name of Freddie Gale. Freddie did not just get the boat established in the UK, as with his ever present partner in crime, Mike Baker, they promoted the new boat throughout Europe, making sure that the class had a true ‘international’ flavour.

Freddie Gale, 3rd from left, complete with friends,
a cigar clamped between the teeth, and a drink,
at an event either in the Netherlands or Germany.

Note Mike Beggs (with hair) in Slick Chick / K16 overall.
(picture courtesy of Mike Baker / Suzie Gale)


The Contender today

The International Contender class now has fleets in more than twelve countries throughout the world. There are over 2400 Contenders built in various parts of the world, with 148 boats built in the last five years.

Gil Woolley in action.  (Photo with kind permission from

A star is born

La Baule was hot, sunny and with light winds. This suited some of the competitors, but not those boats with a high wetted area. The Contender looked very racy; very light and with an incredibly low freeboard, and showed flashes of form when the wind did briefly arrive.  For the rest of the time the helm was either in the cockpit or hunched up on the side deck, a feeling that we all know is hardly conducive to sparkling sailing. With this second set of Trials again inconclusive, the IYRU called for yet more, this time at Medemblik.

A revised Contender, with more sail area and freeboard competed and once the breeze arrived, ran away with the Selection Committee’s nomination.  With the Contender now selected by the IYRU, the powerful ‘Finn = Olympic singlehander’ lobby defended their self interest, in preserving the status quo of classes selected for the Games. 

How would the IYRU turn their new singlehander into a fully fledged class with international appeal?
"Okay - where are the other 146 boats?"
By putting the number 147 on the sail,
Bob Miller tried to give the impression
that this was an existing class.
The IYRU were 'not amused'
Bob Miller sailing ‘Skippy’, the boat that would eventually win the IYRU Selection Trials at Medemblik.

Dorothy is dropped

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, an Australian Skiff designer and sailor had also picked up on the IYRU search for a new dinghy. Away from the European influences that had resulted in boats such as the Trapez and Unit, Bob Miller instead drew on his skiff background to produce a boat that became known as ‘Miller’s Missile’.

With a simple box section hull, featuring little rocker in the keel line, a fully battened main and a trapeze for the helm, the boat flew in breeze, but as Bob was to later admit, the boat “Sucked in the light stuff”.

When it came to the next phase of the design process, Bob simply lifted the hull shape of the Flying Dutchman and shrunk it down until it met the design criteria. This was a far more seaworthy and practical boat, that Bob was to name the Dorothy, after his wife.

A very old but rare picture of ‘Miller’s missile’,
Bob’s first attempt at designing a single hander.
With the next Trials as La Baule approaching, Bob needed to get his boat to Europe and being short of money, sought out a sponsor. An Australian company had recently launched a new sailcloth, that they had named ‘Contender’. They offered financial support to the new boat, which underwent a name change; Dorothy was dropped and the boat that was despatched to La Baule was now known as the ‘Contender’.

On trial

To choose their new class, the IYRU held a set of trials at Weymouth in the autumn of 1965. The International Canoe was there, despite having been told in advance that even if it were to win the Trial Series, that it would not be selected.

The Finn was there, as a benchmark of performance.  Solos, OKs and single handed Fireballs were sailed, along with a host of new designs. There was some consternation at Weymouth when Paul Elvstrøm turned up with his new Trapez dinghy, which as it utilised the trapeze, was clearly outside of the design remit. With four consecutive gold medals in the Finn, sailing in a boat that was hi-tech when compared with most of the other entries and that he knew very well, Elvstrøm was expected to race away with the nomination, but only if he was allowed to compete.

Faced with prospect of turning away the biggest name in dinghy racing, the organisers relented. Elvstrøm raced, but although he quickly proved the potential of racing a dinghy from the trapeze, his performances were far from the expected horizon job. As the series progressed, it was the Canoe out in front, race after race, followed by the Trapez. Behind these two came the star turn of the series, David Thomas in his own designed ‘Unit’ dinghy.

The IYRU now had a problem, as the Unit had a very valid claim, that having been the best of the correctly designed boats, that it should be rewarded with International status. The response of the IYRU was to call for a second set of Trials, this time to be held at La Baule.

Elvstrøm practising in his Trapez dinghy at
Lymington, on the South Coast of England.
The rig was incredibly complex, with two sets of diamonds that Elvstrøm could adjust whilst sailing.
The boat also featured some novel features, such as a one piece moulded rudder and tiller.

AGM Minutes 2008

Draft Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2008
21 August, 2008 at Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Meeting started at 1740 hrs and ended at 2000 hrs
The meeting was opened by chairman Neil Smith.
Apologies from: President Jan von der Bank and Treasurer Tim Holden
The draft minutes of the 2007 AGM were approved as posted.

Chairman's report

Canada continues to use its club boat to help build the class - we have seen two members join after using for a while.
Have used Duncan Ellis to generate content and are looking for help managing content on our website - we will pay for it.
Tim Holden is stepping down as Treasurer, we need a new treasurer.
Mol Mollatt is stepping down as Technical Chairman. Need a new TC.
The class is growing in most sectors of the World, this last year we saw that Italy, Denmark, North America are doing well.  The UK scene seems a bit stalled but should be helped with a Worlds coming up in Weymouth.
A big focus for the ICA will be trying to find out how to help builders access new clients and make more boats.

Treasurer's report

Payments of dues have been received from the following countries:

  • Australia. In addition, payments have been received from Australia for 9 boats built in the moulds paid for by the ICA. That leaves a balance of 11 more payments expected until the cost of the moulds is fully amortized.
  • Great Britain
  • France
  • Italy
  • North America.

Current bank balances include approximately 21000 Euros and 280 Sterling (British pounds)

Technical Report

Alan Mollatt reported that the ISAF started a project to rewrite the Contender class rules but the
project person had been retasked with other work. Technical Chairman will endevour to have the
ISAF renew and complete the task. The reason for the rewrite is to bring the rules in line with
ISAF model rules practices.

President's report
Read by Chairman Neil Smith

Firstly, as the PRESIDENT of the class I would like to give everyone sailing in Canada my warmest greetings. You are the core of the class!  At the moment I strongly regret I can't be with you racing (And that is despite of sitting in warm and calm sundown-conditions outside of Corfu-Yacht-Club). Now I will have to wait till cold and most likely rainy Denmark next year to have a go on another title - and for sure will have to battle hard against Sören... ;.)  Anyway... for my part of the business I must say I'm quite satisfied with how we have performed and what we have achieved. Several big turnout-events and a very important Worlds on the American Continent show everyone outside our circle, we are a very lively class. Let's keep it going that way!
Now into some details...

When I started, I wanted to help the French to establish sth. like a Contender-fleet in France. This is just starting to happen and I am very grateful to welcome the French with their just established national association.
I will try and put even more of my focus (and class money... at least 2000 Euros - please discuss this under "treasurers business"!!!) on their Europeans in 2010. I think we should support them by displaying the Contender on the Paris boat show, accompanied by sth like a class portrait in any French yachting magazine., plus invitations and free charter boats for some top french sailors (from 505? Hobie cats? Lasers? Europe?) Again, please discuss and let me know the outcome!!!

As for our Internet-presence, I still have the feeling we urgently need to "sex up"... both from the contents and from the presentation! We still need someone being an editor for articles on our page, as seemingly none of us "officials" seems to have the will or skill to do it... I remember our discussions about how much money Jan Tofaute from Germany should be allowed for maintaining the page on the technical side... We should come up with at least the same amount of money to find someone helping to advertise the class!
My feeling still is: The Contender will only survive the severe changes within the Dinghy scene, if we make sure we present ourselves as a young, attractive SKIFF-LIKE class. We desperately have to work on our Image to attract young sailors. It does not help much to gather old farts like Neil and myself... We need the Kids! People like Christoph Homeier or Marcus, or Marco Versari!

There has been some quarrel about the interpretation of our class rules.
In the Championship-rules, for instance, we seem to be desperately needing something clarifying the need and the use of fleet- or qualifying-races. My feeling is: We shall not have qualifying-races in fleets under a minimum size of 120 Boats! This number has proved to be still quite manageable off one starting line in recent years and it saves a lot of people feeling stuck in the strongest group or in the second best fleet only.
Another important issue will be a more efficient management of the class. Here we shall have to have a close look (and maybe propose some refreshments and changes) on our rules that were designed some 40 years ago. Especially regarding the use or the function of "national representatives" within the AGM-elected ICA-Committee (as we knew it in recent years). Neil will probably give a shortcut of what has happened lately... We need a good information-structure on the one hand, that makes sure nobody feels left outside. But we also need a very limited circle of persons that really are allowed "to talk". Otherwise, that is my feeling, it will be even harder in the future, to recruit volunteers for doing ICA-jobs!
But I am sure we can work out sth. before the next AGM that will find a majority of Contender sailors approval.
So much from me this time,
good sailing to you all in Canada and see you all next year!
Jan von der Bank

Secretary's report

Currently there are 590 members of yahoo-groups compared with 513 in 2007, 664 in 2006, 559 members in 2005 and 386 members in 2004.  Note, we count email addresses. There are certainly duplicate and/or abandoned email addresses in the count.

New boat sales figures
29    2007
35    2006
43    2005
28    2004
16    2003
26    2002
50    2001
18    2000
33    1999
25    1998

2424 boats have been issued plaques representing new boats since the inception of the Contender class in 1969. (Through the end of 2007)

< Go back to main list           Go to page 2 >
                                                  (Contender Class Rules 2008, Business Arising, Election of Officers,
                                                   Upcoming Events, Proposals for Rules Changes)

The Boat

The Contender is a high performance racing dinghy, light, fast, spectacular. A single hander, where the helmsman controls the boat from the trapeze wire to balance the forces from the large sail. Its excellent performance in stronger winds and waves reflects its Australian origin. The Contender was designed as a potential successor to the Finn dinghy as a class for Olympic single handed racing. For the last 40 years, the Contender has been the only high performance single-handed dinghy that offers international racing in competitive fleets. Worldwide, about 2,400 boats have been built and sailed in 17 countries.

The Contender has been a recognised International Class by the International Sailing Federation since 1968. It has proven to be suitable for a wide variety of sailors, both male and female. The weight of successful sailors range from 55kg to 95kg (120lbs to 210lbs) and heights from 165cm to 200cm (5ft 4 to 6ft 4). Sailing a Contender requires a good deal of agility and athletic ability. The close racing during championships rewards outstanding boat handling as well as tactical skill. A race in a Contender is a combination of physical and mental challenge, with equal chances for the fittest youngsters and the more experienced sailors. Contender champions' ages vary from 20 to 50 years. The developments of the boat have enabled the boat to be raced even in rough open sea conditions.

Design: Ben Lexcen
(Australia, 1967)
Length: 4.87 m
Beam: 1.50 m
Hull weight: 83 kg
Sail area: 10.8 m2
PN: 994


The early years B.C?(Before Contenders)

There are so many classes today, that it is hard to imagine a time when the choice of dinghy for a single handed sailor wanting to race internationally consisted of the International Canoe, the Finn or the OK.

The Finn of course was very much ‘top dog’ as since 1952, it had been the Olympic dinghy, difficult to tune and with the then unsophisticated rig, making it something of a brute to sail.

No wonder then that as the 1960s started to swing, sailors started looking for a boat where agility, rather than weight and body strength, would play a greater part in determining results. The path to improved performance had already been highlighted in 1962, with the lightweight flying scow from Peter Milne, the Fireball. This was a boat that was fun, fun, fun.

What was now needed was a single handed dinghy that could offer the same thrills and spills.

Eventually, the IYRU (now ISAF) agreed to sponsor a new performance single handed dinghy and published a set of criteria that allowed for a more powerful rig than was set on the Finn, that could be balanced by a sitting out ‘aid’. The choice of words is important, as sliding seats and other aids to extending the helm's weight outboard were deemed acceptable, but a trapeze was not. The view of the yachtsmen of the day, who ran sailing as a sport, was that sailing a boat single handed from the trapeze, let alone racing it, was ‘unseamanlike’!


  In the early 1960s, Finns, like this restored Fairey boat from that era, were very much the top singlehander.
The IYRU wanted a more modern boat and would accept a sliding seat but not a boat rigged with a trapeze.

2007 Class Rules Approved and Published! Effective Now!

           Hi Contender sailors       
Contender Class Rules 2007 
             Have been Published          
                  Best Regards            
 Gil Woolley, Soren Andreasen  

Continue Reading

National Associations




  flag españa
Great Britain

Class Rules

The International Contender Class Rules are regularly reviewed. The aim is to both develop the class and keep old boats competitive. 

The latest class rules of the International Contender Class are available on World Sailing:[11716].pdf

Maintaning the Class Rules is one of the responsibilities of the International Contender Association (ICA). The Rules that govern the functioning of the Association are defined in the Association Rules.

Every year a World Championship is being held. These truely international events as well as European Championships are governed by the following rules:  ICA Championship Rules 2023

Jason Beebe Runner Up

Facts and Figures

The Class Rules

The International Contender Class Rules are regularly reviewed in order to prohibit the
use of exotic materials or expensive equipment. This prevents the escalating cost of sailing
"the Ultimate Singlehander".

In recent year the costs of spars from aluminium have been rising while availability
is decreasing, the cost of carbon fibre spars has been decreasing, therefore the class
has approved the use of carbon fibre masts and booms. Loose footed sails are now permitted.

Class members have repeatedly refused to reduce the bare hull weight because members
wish to preserve the market value of older hulls. Change the rig, protect the hull

The rules permit licensed and amateur builders to construct this boat. Hulls are
built successfully in all wood, composite glassfibre hull/ wood deck and all glassfibre.

You can view or download the Class Rules by clicking here.


The International Contender has proven to be suitable for a wide variety of sailors,
both male and female. The weight of successful sailors range from 55kg to 95kg (120lbs to 210lbs) and
heights from 165cm to 200cm (5ft 4 to 6ft 4). Contender champions' ages vary from 20 to 50 years.
The developments of the boat have enabled the boat to be raced even in rough open
sea conditions.

World Championships 2008 Boat Data

If you want to know why the top 10 Contenders at the 2008 Worlds were so fast, take a look at the boat data below.
pdf Worlds 2008 Boat Data