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AGM Minutes 2003

Draft Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2003
21 August, 2003 at Mayflower Sailing Club, Plymouth, Great Britain

The meeting was opened late due to tardy secretary. Very sorry.
Minutes of the 2002 AGM at Melbourne were approved.

Chairman's report

Søren Andreasen reported on the Posters. They are printed in Dutch, Italian, German and English. He added that the actual date of the Worlds in Perth, Australia is 2006, not 2005 as shown in the poster.

Treasurer's report

Manfred Kieckbusch was not present, no report was provided. Manfred stated his intent by letter to step down as treasurer.

Technical Report

Mol Mollatt reported on the weighing problem. Specifically, boats which measure down to weight at one regatta and then up or down from the minimum at the next regatta. Mol intends to maintain control of a steel yard scale which will be used at all Worlds events. The belief is that it will be more consistent than electronic scales procured for each event from different sources.

He also reported on the requirement imposed late in the game after we had held an AGM vote and followed by the postal ballot that International Sailing Federation (ISAF) object to the words “inherently straight” and require us to change to a specification or tolerance to define a straight spar.

President's report

Arthur Brett was not present. He announced that he wishes to step down as President.

Secretary's report

Gil Woolley reported that c
urrently there are 350 members of yahoo-groups with a small number of persons known to have more than one email address.

New boat sales figures
   Used boats
26    2002                            37
50    2001                            39
18    2000                            47
33    1999                            19
25    1998                            -

2300 boats have been issued plaques representing new boats since the inception of the Contender class in 1969. The secretary makes a SWAG (sophisticated wild guess) that there are 600 to 900 Contenders currently actively sailed.

The ISAF requires all International classes to individually report twice during the year. The secretary described the data required in these reports and requested cooperation from the officers of the National Contender Associations. On 1 February a report is submitted which appears on the ISAF web pages.

On 1 August a report is submitted listing important details about the following year’s World Championship. Failure to submit this report may result in the inability to designate the Worlds as an official event.

The secretary also reported the maintenance of the International Contender web pages. During the year pages have been created to describe major repair projects rebuilding older Contenders. These are grouped under helpful information as “This Old Boat”.

Election of Officers

As President Arthur Brett and Treasurer Manfred had declared their intention to step down, nominations were heard for President and Treasurer. The Chairman, the Technical Chairman and the Secretary declared desire to continue in their present posts.

The following persons were elected to the following five offices.

President: Tim Holden GBR
Chairman: Søren Andreason DEN
Technical Chairman: Mol Mollatt GBR
Treasurer: Christoph Homeier GER
Secretary: Gil Woolley USA

Upcoming Events

Italian Nationals:
2004 27-30 July
Measurement 31 July,  Racing 2-6 August.  Hotel Riva special price, 50 rooms
Worlds 2005
in Germany at Travemünde, end of July.  Features on site camping, measurement in a large shed, German nationals less than 100 km away
Worlds 2006
Freemantle Perth, Western Australia, middle of January, have Christmas and New Years
at home.  Sec notes say "Fly Aus Practice Islands protect"
Worlds 2007
Medemblik, Holland
Worlds 2008
Kingston, Canada

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